About Institute

Tofflon Institute is an online platform connecting knowledge with cGMP Update, Best Practice and Latest Technologies for Drug Manufacturing Science. It is a great knowledge hub where you can gain valuable knowledge and information through Tofflon Institute’s News Letter/Technical Articles and Webinar Series (Live Webinar, Archived Webinar, Expanded Online Course, Custom Webinar and Service Training Webinar). Furthermore if offers a professional platform where you can learn and interact with professional specialists and industrial experts from agency, academy, pharma industry and equipment manufacturers for your interested topics and questions related with drug manufacturing science.

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Membership interests

You will get free to attend Tofflon Institute webinars held in different regions and countries. You will have opportunity to raise your personalized questions and get professional answers from our internal specialists and external experts during our webinars. You will have opportunity to be rewarded with our nice presents and gifts if you actively attend webinars, bring good questions and raise valuable suggestions during our webinars. Even missing live webinar, you will still have opportunity to view webinar recordings and typical Q&A session within 30 free days in Archived Webinar. You will have opportunity to contact with our regional representative to have one-to-one live talk or online consultancy with our professional specialists and experts for your interested topics and questions. In at lorem quam. Curabitur in massa tristique, laoreet quam in, mattis neque. Donec sagittis gravida ipsum sit amet consequat. Vivamus a efficitur sapien. Vestibulum in ultrices lorem. Integer ultricies ipsum et risus efficitur, vitae posuere nibh mollis. Vestibulum cursus elementum augue, a bibendum tellus eleifend a. Praesent viverra tortor sit amet varius ornare. Vivamus maximus neque id enim suscipit vestibulum.
Besides live webinar, you will get free to attend Tofflon Institute Expanded Online Course (a series of technical lectures) to meet your deeper learning needs for your interested topics such as isolator technology, lyophilization process, Intelligent vision systems, etc. As a key account member, you will have opportunity to discuss with our technical specialists to create custom webinar dedicated for your company staff training and knowledge learning. If you are Tofflon customer, you will have opportunity to develop Service Training Webinar for your staff to help your company lower production costs, improve process efficiency, increase production quality and meet changing regulatory requirements. You will be also allowed with seamless access to Tofflon Institute News Letters and Technical Articles distributed globally and regionally. You agree to receive correspondence and/or notification from Tofflon (or one of our authorized agents, distributors or representatives for your local area) on product/corporate news including training events, webinars and news letters, etc. When you submit one of our forms, we may collect the data you provide. We assure the data will be dedicated to responding your request or needs. The data will not be shared with any party external to Tofflon and its authorized representatives.

Please send the questionnaire to email:ceshi@163.com

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